The Rider

  • "When?" said the moon to the stars in the sky

"Soon" said the wind that followed him home

"Who?" said the cloud that started to cry

"Me" said the rider as dry as a bone

"Who?" said the sun that melted the ground

"Why?" said the river that refused to run

"Where?" said the thunder without a sound

"Here" said the rider and took up his gun

"Adieu" said the bird in the branch of the tree

"Farewell" said the snake to the dying sun

"Adieu" said the fish in the river of sleep

"Goodbye" said the rider "Goodbye and good night"

"No" said the stars to the moon in the sky

"No" said the trees that started to moan

"No" said the dust that blinded his eyes

"Yes" said the rider as white as a bone

"No" said the moon that rose from his sleep

"No" said the cry of the dying sun

"No" said the planet that started to weep

"Yes" said the rider and laid down his gun

  • "Kedy?" povedal mesiac hviedzam na nebi

"Skoro" povedal vietor, čo ho nasledoval domov

"Kto?" povedal oblak, čo začal plakať

"Ja" povedal jazdec, vyprahnutý ako kosť

"Kto?" povedalo slnko, čo roztopilo zem

"Prečo?" povedala rieka, čo odmietla tiecť

"Kde?" povedal hrom bez zvuku

"Tu" povedal jazdec a vytiahol zbraň

"Adieu" povedal vták na konári stromu

"Zbohom" povedal had umierajúcemu slnku

"Adieu" povedala ryba v rieke spánku

"Zbohom" povedal jazdec "Zbohom a dobrú noc"

"Nie" povedali hviezdy mesiacu na nebi

"Nie" povedali stromy, čo začali stenať

"Nie" povedal prach, čo mu oslepil oči

"Áno" povedal jazdec, biely ako kosť

"Nie" povedal mesiac, čo vyrástol z jeho spánku

"Nie" povedal plač umierajúceho slnka

"Nie" povedala planéta, čo začala plakať

"Áno" povedal jazdec a položil zbraň

  • (báseň a pieseň z filmu The Proposition - hádam jediný western, ktorý sa mi páčil:) )..
